Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The Loki Icon

Here is the Loki Icon I have just finished. It has been the most difficult so far, but that was to be expectd, seeing that it is Him. Viking trickster God and God of Fire.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

The Magician Fetish Shrine

I decided to put the image of "The Magician" up, even though I was concerned that some folks might have a hissy fit if they saw an image with a penis, even though most males have them. Apart from that, I like this one the most of my icons and Shrines. Loki is comming along well and "He" is proving the most difficult to "pin down", which of course is only to expected in a trickster God. But it works, even now before the glue is dried, I think its going to be OK. I am thinking of getting the Icons photographed proffessional, but the costing is worry me a bit and there is that reflection problem from the glass.
On with Loki, "The Head of Bran the Blessed to follow I think. The Mabingian is a rich and wonderful sourse of inspiration.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Dreams & Visions

Having forgotton to take a photo of "Dreams & Visions" without the glass, I took off the back and photographed it. It's faff but worth the effort to keep a record of all my Shrines and Fetish boxes. The the one after this really is a Fetish Shrine, so I cannot publish the picture, though it will appear in Livejournal under the Adult section. I think it one of my best, but of course I would feel good about the latest one, that is... until the next one.